Elementary &
High Schools
We offer a full range of exhibit options appropriate for schools. Topics including slavery, Black Music, Blacks in Sports, Madam C.J. Walker, George Washington Carver, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., Black Women, the March on Washington or any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection, etc.

We offer a full range of exhibit options appropriate for schools. Topics including slavery, Black Music, Influential Blacks in Politics, Messianic Black Leaders, Black Hair Care Founders, The Tuskegee Influence, Marcus Garvey & the UNIA, Black Mass Movements, or any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection, etc.

Museums | Libraries
We offer a full range of exhibit options appropriate for schools. Topics including A Survey of Black History, Early Black Publications, The NAACP, Black Religious
Movements, The Civil Rights Movement, Marcus Garvey & the UNIA, Black Mass Movements, Gospel Music, Women in The Movement or any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection, etc.

Churches |
Civic Organizations
We offer exhibits for churches and civic organizations with a range of exhibit topics including gospel music, religious leaders, and fraternal organizations, etc.

Art Galleries | Clubs
We offer exhibits for spaces such as art galleries or clubs with a range of options for displaying exhibits and topics to choose from including black music, blacks on Broadway, and other Black History figures and topics, etc.

Private Events
We offer customizable exhibits for all types of private events with a plethora of exhibit topics or any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection..

Expos | Conferences
Workshop | Conventions
We offer a full range of exhibit options for Expos, conferences, workshops, and conventions. Topics including slavery, the Harlem Renaissance, Madam C.J. Walker, George Washington Carver, Early Black Publications, Johnson Publications, Black Women, or any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection.etc.

Corporate Parties
We offer a full range of exhibit options for Corporate parties featuring Black Memorabilia such as Blacks in Hollywood, Black Celebrity autographs, Blacks on Broadway, Black Music albums, and any theme in Black History from our impressive 10,000 piece collection.

Employee Fun Days
We offer a full range of exhibit options for Employee Fun Days featuring Black Memorabilia such as Hollywood autographs, Black Music album covers, or any appropriate theme in Black History from our vast 10,000 piece collection.